Storage costs Melbourne

8 Things You Can’t Store in Self-storage

While Moor Room strives to offer a welcoming and flexible self-storage solution, there are some items that we can’t allow our customers to store.

It’s nothing personal, it’s just that some things can threaten the safety and security of our facility and your neighbouring units.

Then there are other things that just smell, simple as that! If you have any questions about this not-exhaustive list, get in touch to double-check if you can store that beloved, old house plant. (No you can’t store it and no we won’t water it for you.)

No matter what you’re storing, don’t hesitate to ask about our storage costs Melbourne-wide and we’ll do our best to accommodate you at one of our five self-storage locations.

Food and Drink

Basically, any perishable items can be left at home because, well, they’re perishable. If you’re paying to store something at Moor Room, we can only assume it’s staying here for the long term and perishable items can therefore be left at the door. No matter how far away that expiry date is, we can’t be sure that it will stand the test of time.

With that said, canned food is generally good to go, but we reserve the right to give it a sniff test.

Motor Vehicles

We may be called Moor Room but even we have our limitations. This ain’t a car park and your pride and joy may have to find somewhere else to sleep. This includes motorbikes, as we can’t store anything with flammables like petrol. Push-bikes on the other hand are welcome to wheel on in.


Just in case you didn’t read that previous paragraph, flammables/combustibles/things that can explode are an absolute no-no. Our units are air-conditioned and undercover, but we cannot risk the storage of flammable or combustible items at Moor Room.

This extends to petrol, toxic waste, acid, asbestos, corrosives, cleaners, fireworks, fertilisers and weapons or ammunition.

Wet Things

Towels are fine. Wet towels… not fine. Make sure any items stored at Moor Room are completely dry and preferably quite clean. Otherwise, they may introduce mould to your unit, creating bacteria and damaging your other items.


Technically, paint could go under flammables, but we thought we’d emphasise it as a standalone no-go. It may look pretty and innocent, but paint can be flammable especially if it’s oil-based. This includes paint thinner and especially paint in aerosol cans.


While Moor Room doesn’t have any official policy against the storage of money or sensitive documents, we highly recommend that this is kept out of self-storage. Not that we don’t have full faith in our security, but for Moor Room’s own security, we prefer that customers refrain from storing any large sums of cash on our premises.

If you notice other customers doing so, we kindly ask that you report such behaviour as this can be related to criminal activity in some cases.

Living Things

If there’s one rule we live by at Moor Room, it’s this one… plants, pets, people. We shouldn’t need to say more, but we will.

On some level, these things also come under perishables and we are very much against their storage in our units. While we’re on the subject, we also object to dead things like ashes or taxidermied pets.

Stolen Items

It’s honestly none of our business what you do outside of our five self-storage locations, but please find somewhere else to store your stolen items. We will not be held responsible for the storage of that old action figure that you nicked from your brother in the 80s.

Contact Moor Room

For a more exhaustive list of things you cannot store at Moor Room, just get in touch with our friendly team and ask away. No question is a bad one – you wouldn’t believe some of the enquiries we’ve heard before!