Four Tips to Declutter Your Home

Moor Room has been in business for over 20 years, and when it comes to self storage, Bayside residents know they can rely on us for friendly, professional service at great value. One of the most common reasons people come to us is a desire to declutter. A lot of the time, these are customers in the higher age brackets with adult kids, but you don’t need to be an empty nester to find that, at some point along the road, you’ve accumulated more stuff than your home is built to accommodate. This might be bric-a-brac that you don’t even remember buying, and in that case, decluttering should be pretty straightforward. Where things can get sticky though is when your surplus items are treasured family heirlooms, kids’ paintings, or important tools that just don’t get used every day. To help get you started, we’ve put together our top four tips for decluttering your home.

1-Think Vertically

It might feel like your house is bursting at the seams, but you’d be surprised how much more space you can create just by exercising a little strategy when it comes to how things are organised. By introducing some attractive, taller storage units, you can make use of all the vertical space in your home or garage. You will probably find that you have more space than you realised, and it could save you having to make big decisions about what stays and what goes.

2-Create a Sorting System 

Use a system to help you decide what to keep. This step will be easier for some people than others, but we find it always helps to have a checklist to consult when you’re on the fence about a particular item. Some of the things you might want to ask yourself are: When’s the last time you used it? How easy would it be to replace? How much room does it take up? Of course, there’s that rogue element, sentimental value, that can make decluttering such a challenge. These kinds of choices will need to be made on a case-by-case basis but be a little tough with yourself.

3-Have a Garage Sale (Subject to Covid Restrictions) 

A lot of second-hand sales are made online these days, and this is great if you have a few choice items to offload. But people still love an old-fashioned garage sale. Something you haven’t used for years might be just what someone was looking for when they happened to be cruising by, and that definitely beats tossing it into landfill. Aside from earning you some extra cash, there’s something gratifying about knowing your pre-loved items are enjoying a second life out there.

4-Use Self Storage

Sometimes it just isn’t practical or desirable to get rid of something altogether, but there’s no getting around the fact that there’s no space in your home for it. Having a self storage unit means you can hold onto those items until you find the space for them or you’re ready to part with them for good.

Call Moor Room Today

For affordable self storage in Melbourne with personalised service and round-the-clock access, Moor Room has what you need. Call any one of our five locations or message us online today.