How to Decide If Your Unused Items Should be Stored or Disposed of

Whether you’re moving or just doing a spring clean, at some point you have to decide what to do with your unused items. These could be anything – old furniture, Christmas decorations, cutlery, or kitchen utensils.

Throughout life, you tend to accumulate things, but even quality possessions must be removed from the house sometimes – we don’t want our homes to become mazes of furniture and boxes.

When removing clutter, you will inevitably end up with some hard decisions. At some point, you have to part ways with an item you want to keep.

Even if you like it, if it takes up too much room and doesn’t get any use, it’s at odds with the rest of your life. You can’t keep everything.

Of course, if you are going to part with these items, it’s always better to give them away or donate them to an op shop rather than throw them out. But how do you know when to part with something?

Finding some storage space for rent is a great option. It allows you to remove the items from your home while keeping them at arm’s reach.

Practical Items

Practical items with functional use include things such as bikes, sports equipment or furniture. While these could have sentimental value, their primary value comes in their function.

For these items, you also need to put some thought into it.

How likely are you to use them again?

It’s easy to let bikes and sports equipment sit there, accumulating dust, with the thought that they may one day be used again. These eyesores don’t provide an incentive to use the items but instead inspire guilt.

In the case of replaceable items, it may even be the best case to remove them and purchase them again if you plan to use them in the future.

Rather than selling and rebuying, it may even be cheaper to put the items into storage. Accessible at any time, you will be able to access items when you want, without the eyesores or guilt associated with them lying around.

This will give you a better perspective too. Without the items in sight, you might realise you completely forget about them, and would be fine to get rid of them. Or you might find yourself making future plans, thankful that you didn’t throw away the items.

Sentimental Items

Childhood toys, cutlery you grew up with, ornaments that used to belong to a great-grandparent. We all form emotional connections to items. These could represent a specific time in your life or the memory of a lost friend or family member.

With these items, if you do ultimately decide to pass them on, it is still a good idea to put them into storage for some time, just to reconsider. It would be a great mistake to throw away a sentimental item. Sometimes we don’t even realise how sentimental something is until it’s gone.

Contact Moor Room Today

At Moor Room, we’re the storage experts. If you’d like easily accessible storage, or to enquire further, get in touch today.