Storage Costs Melbourne

How to Maximise Space in Your Storage Unit

Using a storage unit is an effective way to add space to your home or office without compromising on budget. Storage costs Melbourne-wide are often flexible and affordable, meaning that you won’t be breaking the bank by investing in good storage.

But to put it plainly, if your storage unit feels crowded and overwhelming every time you walk in then you’re not making the most of the unit. If you think it’s okay to store your items without some sort of system in place, then you’re more at risk of misplacing items and not using your storage unit as often.

So how can you make the most of the humble storage unit to get more bang for your buck? Well luckily for you, this blog will explore some of the top tips and tricks you can implement to maximise space in your storage unit.

Invest in Good Shelving

Though buying furniture for a storage unit may seem counterintuitive, investing in robust and high-quality shelving can go a long way. Why? Shelving can help you maximise the vertical space in your storage unit, which can help free up space elsewhere for larger items.

For example, you can store boxed goods on various shelves, meaning that you’ve got plenty of floor space to store large, bulky items, such as furniture.

Use Same-Sized Boxes

Using the same-sized boxes can also help you make the most of your storage space. This is because you’re not having to treat your storage unit like a game of Tetris, as your boxes are more likely to line up evenly, as well as be easier to stack on top of each other.

Another great thing about using boxes of a uniform size is that you can keep your storage unit looking neat and tidy, without fear of your boxed belongings toppling over.

Map Out Your Storage Unit

To effectively organise your storage unit, and thus maximise the space, mapping your storage unit layout is a must. Having a map and list of where certain items are stored can help you visualise where things are and how much space you have for storing other items.

You can also make a map of where you want to put your belongings before you actually store things. This can help prevent any issues with how you organise your furniture, as you’ll ideally have a one-to-one diagram of how large your storage unit is, meaning that you’ll be in a good position to know what items should go where.

Get Moor Room Today

When it comes to creating more room in your home or office, nothing beats using a storage unit at Moor Room! You can use our array of online tools and calculators to effectively plan your storage strategy.

Check out our online tools today, or get in touch with one of our storage experts so we can talk about all things storage!