Self Storage Services

Self Storage for Businesses

Whether you’re storing inventory, equipment, or excess furniture, self-storage for your business can be beneficial in more ways than one. Opting for offsite storage facilities keeps you organised and can help keep your business running smoothly behind the scenes.

With a wide range of sizes and rental options available at Moor Room, the flexibility is endless for your business. From small units for documents or large units for stock, we have you covered. In this blog, we will unpack some of the benefits your business can receive from using self-storage facilities.


One of the biggest factors for self-storage for business is the fact that it is secure. Your goods are kept in safe hands with CCTV, keypad access, and locks. Our self-storage facilities are manned during office hours and are gated during the evenings, ensuring your items are shielded. You can enjoy peace of mind knowing that your items are safe and guarded.


You could opt for a 6-month or 12-month lease with your large office space or warehouse, but what if your circumstances change? With self-storage, you’re able to upgrade and downgrade as you see fit. This also means you can change up the space you’ve chosen whenever you need to. Say your business flourishes in summer time but you need somewhere to store your equipment in winter. Opt for a small self-storage space in the summer and a larger one in winter instead of having to pay a building lease for the entire year.

Self-storage can also be used for temporary or long-term storage. Some businesses also use self-storage for short-term storage during remodels or relocations.


An important factor to consider when running a business is scalability. Is your business going to grow in the future? If your plan is to grow, like most businesses, then it’s best to find something that can offer you a way to easily upgrade without having to worry about finding a larger commercial space.


Unlike opting for a larger office or warehouse, self-storage can be a much more cost-effective way to store your goods and excess items. With the endless flexible options, you only pay for the space you’re using. This means you can upgrade or downgrade which is perfect for businesses that fluctuate with their storage requirements.


Our self-storage facilities offer 24/7 access to your items. Perfect for businesses that run outside of traditional operating hours, this means you can easily access your goods and equipment whenever you need them – even if that means in the middle of the night.

Moor Room

If you have a business, choosing self-storage is a cost-effective and efficient way to ensure your business runs smoothly. It’s flexible and accessible, making it the ideal way to store your excess inventory and equipment.

Contact Moor Room today to see how self-storage can benefit your business.